Chatsworth: Website
“How might we remove complexity for customers browsing and searching online for IT infrastructure equipment and supplies?”
My Role: UX Lead
Chatsworth had 2 sites that customers could visit, one that contained marketing content for the products and one that was a catalogue site. We determined the first step would be to provide one access point for customers to get information and pricing on products of interest. We started by auditing the existing taxonomy of the product catalogue to remove duplicate and redundant categories and groupings. Using the inputs from the content audit we designed a more streamlined architecture and navigation structure for the new experience that would improve browsing and searching.
Using existing data, persona information, and the new structure, responsive wireframes were created that encouraged multiple methods of browsing including a way to find products based on application or solutions needed for those that were unfamiliar with the catalogue and an optimized predictive search tool for those who knew what they were looking for.Designs were tested using a remote unmoderated method and results were synthesized in order to inform recommendations for final designs.
Customer validated designs for a consolidated and responsive site that allowed customers seeking products to quickly explore based on existing product knowledge or by the problem they were looking to solve.